Saturday, January 18, 2020

Dazed and Confused

I have news for the MSM and the Left: the reason that there is such “confusion and indecision” about impeachment is that there is no clear-cut path to a legitimate and identifiable Constitutional offense.  Most Americans may not have the elitist penchant for barely connected and remotely-related nuance, but they can tell when they’re hearing a used-car salesman trying to make a deal.  Meanwhile, the attempt to distract attention by claiming “Nothing to see here” only attracts attention and makes people want to look closer.

Democrats think that their base’s indignation at Trump’s extremely boorish behavior is sufficient reason to justify any action to remove him from office – or to at least inflict traditionally political wounds in an attempt to “teach him a lesson”.

But we’re dealing with Trump, who isn’t a traditional politician and who doesn’t have political ambitions.  The politicians who such deep-seated hate for Trump seem to forget that he already occupies the top spot in American politics – and he did it on the basis of his own popularity without "climbing the political ladder".

"Political wounds"? Why would Trump possibly care about being “politically wounded” when he still has full Constitutional authority over the Executive branch?

When the Constitutionally mandated basis for impeachment – high crimes and misdemeanors - needs to be twisted into a confusion of pretzel-logic “justifications” for a non-criminal offense...

When the actions taken by a President mirror previous actions taken by high government (and elected) officials still currently serving in the Government...

When the MSM stops being a voice for the people and starts being a voice for one political party…

…that’s when you begin to clearly see what lies ahead.

The Senate will now take the baton in this meaningless impeachment exercise based on "charges" that reflect nothing more than a deep dislike for the current President.  Every president has been accused of "abuse of power" by the opposition party when the opposition party disagrees with the President's exercise of his plenary powers.  The charge "abuse of power" is thus meaningless, and using it as a means to impeach a president reduces impeachment from a serious charge to a joke.

Meanwhile, and as The People stand by and watch without doing anything about it, the United States continues the downward race leading to an inevitable outcome: the eventual dissolution of the Republic.

The descent became even more obvious during Bush 41’s presidency and continued during the Clinton and Bush presidencies.  Then came Obama’s actions to “fundamentally change” the American experience and destroy the underpinning of both the American economy and the republic itself.  The hope was that Hillary would finish the job – but she lost the election to an unexpected interloper.

Trump is hated because he interrupted the “fundamental change” and gave some Americans a brief respite to look around and finally see what was happening.  But the process was already well underway and supported by a majority of Americans who were taught to think that America is evil and must be destroyed.

America is done.  It’s been done for a few decades.  The only difference is that the depth of the rot is only now being seen.  Too late, tho:  the rot goes too deep to be fixed.

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