Thursday, November 16, 2023

... to the shores of ...

Ya gotta wonder why there are so many Americans siding with Muslim extremists and why the Biden administration is deeply bowing both to them and massive numbers of Palestinian "supporters" here in the US.

If I were a conspiracy theorist, I'd guess it goes much further than payoffs to Biden: I'd guess that there are some major pockets of Muslim terrorists - and maybe some nukes - that are being used to blackmail the US into anti-American policies and the weakening of anti-American interests around the world.

If I was a conspiracy theorist, that is...

But then, we've been allowing (and practically importing) anti-American immigrants into the US and allowing them to settle here, and then standing by while they use Constitutionally guaranteed American freedom and liberty to undermine American freedom and liberty.

MIT has recently backed down from expelling violent Muslim protesters on campus because... well - because they'd lose their education visas and would have to leave this country and return home, which the MIT administration wants to prevent. So, by only suspending them for a short time, those Muslim protesters can stay here and continue to disrupt classes and intimidate non-Muslim students for the foreseeable future.

When John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other," he was referring to those who would want to destroy this country...

...such as the descendants of the Barbary pirates from Algiers, Tunis, and other Middle East nation-states who were attacking American ships and taking prisoners as slaves in the early 16th century. We even fought a war - the Tripolitan war (ever heard of "Tripoli"?) against these Muslim invaders. (Related: The 1.5 Million White Slaves in North Africa.)

And yet, today, we welcome them in and then wonder why there are so many anti-Americans of Muslim descent here in the US.

We have learned nothing in the past 300 years...


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