At long last, the EU is dying. And I'm not sorry one bit.
The EU was, from the start, impossible. It was based on the idea that a central commission would set a common economic and immigration policy for each country, with each country relinquishing the majority of its self-determination in favor of the whole. The central EU commission would ensure that "maker" countries would provide the largest amount of funding and control, and the "taker" countries would accede to the decisions made on their behalf.
Sound familiar?
Ever heard of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?
Ok, let me make it simple: the implementation of the EU was based on ... socialism.
France, England, and Italy have held elections and the "nationalists" have won by a fairly wide margin. The "nationalists" want their countries to regain a large piece of their autonomy - especially over both economic and immigration controls.
Yes, cross-border trade makes sense, and the reduction of cross-border tariffs makes sense as well. But the open-borders policies in France, Germany, and England have resulted in "no-go" zones: regions where localities have instituted their own laws, and where police either cannot go... or are afraid to go.
Quite naturally, the governments in these countries have forbidden press coverage of these violations of their own sovereignty for fear that they would be held to account for the crimes being committed against their own citizens by "refugees" from the Middle East (predominantly Syria). But the internet neither hides nor forgets - and stories of crimes and violence are leaking out to the free world.
The recent elections were no surprise to anyone watching what was really happening inside the EU and who have been reading the reports leaking thru "the iron curtain" (intentional reference) of government censorship of the press. The only surprise is how long the EU "commissioners" managed to keep their fingers in the legislative "dike" to keep it from collapsing - and that collapse has now begun. These elections were only the leading indicator of what's to come: BREXIT, FREXIT, ITEXIT, and several other "exits" from the EU.
Now, I don't think we're seeing a precursor to war or armed revolution... unless the immigrant "refugees" in the "no-go" zones refuse to acknowledge the sovereignty of the country in which they live. In that case, we could see some serious conflicts that can no longer be hidden by the MSM in the US.
Yes. Hidden by the MSM. In the US. Because the EU is an artificially created socialist construct. And the MSM enthusiastically supports Democrats. And Democrats enthusiastically support the same kinds of socialist constructs here in the US.
Imagine what would happen if, instead of showing us how "socialism works" in some EU countries (and we see only those countries with a small and culturally-secure population), the MSM showed the US how socialism is destroying some EU countries from within. How would the Democrats be able to say "We should be more like Sweden!!" if the truth about immigrant violence in Sweden was accurately reported?
The EU is collapsing. Politically, this sucks for the EU.
Politically, it is a huge warning to America.
Now the question is whether Americans will do what's needed to protect American democracy against the encroaching horrors of socialism, or whether they will accept and adopt a political system that has failed every time it has been tried.